Silver Squad
Squad Criteria

Attributes of Squad:
Silver Squad is the continuation of Bronze squad. All members are encouraged to participate in racing (targeted meets decided by the coach). ”
Training Times:
Please contact us for our current Timetable.
Swimmers have to attend at least 2 sessions per week. They are encouraged to attend 3 or more per week.
To be eligible to enter into Silver Squad, swimmers in Bronze Squad will have to have an attendance of at least 90% and have to attend at least 2 sessions per week.”
Skills needed for entry into squad:
– Be able to do a proficient Push & Glide from the wall
– Dive and Glide
– Rule conformed turns in all strokes
– Rule conformed finishes in all strokes”
Equipment needed for training:
– Goggles (have a spare one in the bag in case it breaks)
– Fins (they should fit to the feet)
– Kick board
– Snorkel
– Drink bottle (full and on pool deck)”
Equipment needed for racing:
– Club swimming cap (have 2 spare ones in the bag in case they break)
– Club shirt
– Club jumper and pants”

Contact us
Have a question? We are just an email away.

200 Lesmurdie Road, Lesmurdie WA